The prime minister Gram Sadak Yogana (PMGSY) ,the government of India project to improve the connectivity in rural India.
The scheme is getting positive response from the people The flexible pavement is recommended for cheaper in cost and fast in laying though the life of the road is short and maintenance of the road starts with in a year. More over the quality of the bitumen and its content is questionable.
The author visit at different rural location under stood that the black topping is rejected by the people .The solution is concrete road with comparable cost with flexible solution.The PMGSY Maharashtra unit successfully found the solution by modifying the concrete technology. which is durable ,cost effective and easy to lay .The concrete which has been used in both the application relaying of damaged bituminous road and on new roads. The self compacted concrete is made by using more amount of powdery material which contain cement ,flyash and slag etc.The M40 concrete is prepared with half the quantity of cement and adding flyash which is a by product of thermal power plant.
Below are snapshots of the development process

Good Roads Happy Citizens :)
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