Dr.Vilas Deshmukh

Dr.Vilas Deshmukh

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Million dollars worth of INDIAN ROADS


Procedure for making UTWT roads was standardized and is as follows
Concrete road is measure of development.Nation having more numbers of concrete roads is considered as developed nation.concrete roads are durable but though it is not possible to built the concrete roads.It is not possible for financialy poor countries like India to built the concrete roads.In India BM roads are built because these roads are cheaper.Though BM roads are cheaper they are not durable hence cracks causing potholes.and filling of these potholes is labourious ,time consuming and expensive.
We all know the importance of good roads therefor Indian road congress and road related research institutions have started making durable roads
It is not possible to forget Dr Vilas Deshmukh name when we talk on Thane city roads.In order to construct the non usable roads usable ,He has prepared high performance concrete and pour it on bad road.In order to make the concrete to flow he has used self compacting concrete.Because of HPC and SCC the quality of the concrete improved significantly.As a result we can make durable concrete at reduced time.
E-Marg means thin layer of HPC concrete and e-Path means pourous layer of bitumenous macadam on the damaged road and put cement slurry in the pours of bitumemous layer.The cement slury will percolate and fill all the pores 
Dr.DESHMUKH because of his two new techniques could built e Path about 100 KILO METERS in Surat city and e-marg 250km in thane cityBecause of these roads there is significant improvement in infrastructure,education,jobs etc in both the municipalities and as  a result these cities are included in"Future Smart city"
These two techniques of Dr.Deshmukh has been endorsed by the codal committee of Indian road congress .The data and experiance has been used to revise the code IRC-SP-76 2015 and make new code for e-path.Dr.Deshmukh contribution is immence in making these two codes.
E-Marg is IRC SP 76 2015 (Ultra thin white topping and e-path is on pipe line which will be identified as cement grouted bitumene macadam.( CGBM)
Dr.Deshmkh in Thane Municipal corporation laid e-marg on experimental  basis in the year 2007.In this development he made early strength gain concrete as a result traffic can be opened in three days. and because of SCC the road making became faster.
2007  First time e-Marg
First use of HPC
First use of SCC
2003 first time  E-Path
first high strength grot
Anybody or organisation can make these roads with the help of Dr.Deshmukh.This shows dr.deshmukh immence contribution in Indian roads.
Dr.Deshmukh has also done cost benifit study of these two roads.He found e-marg is cheaper than conventional concrete and E-Path almost same cost of BM roads.Using these techniques e-marg and e-path we can help GOVT to achieve target of making roads in a day.
Expenses to built one kilometer of road using  e.M,arg and e-path and compared with conventional concrete.
Because of the use of these roads e-marg and e-path We can save substantial amount of money .
Use of flyash in concrete.which can help to sum extent help in reducing the global worming.
conservation of raw bmaterials like lime stone required for making  cement
Dr.Deshmukh is a product of Mumbai university.He has retired from ACC Ltd.He has 40 years of experiance in road making.He has fifteen research papers on his name.
These roads are not only popular in Thane and surat cities but also popular in TATA group of industries.Mr.Bongirwar retired secretary PWD and my self approach Mr.Naik and Mr.Bhonsale.We laid e-Marg using concrete with 50% tata flyash.at office of chembur and road at khopoly..
After study of performance of the road,cost of the road and use of around 50% of their waste produ;ct TATA management has decided to make roads of TATA group of industries and coloneys using E-MARG AND E-PATH.
The management has also decided to make these roads to adjacent villages of TATA chemicals under the scheme of "corporate responsibility scheme"
THIS WILL RESULT IN TO Swacha bharat and pragat bharat"
Total benifit to the nation because of e-Marg and e-Path 
1) at cheaper cost durable and good quality roads
Contact : Dr.Vilas Deshmukh   e-Mail  vilasdes@gmail.com (M) 9820841667.(R) 40125126 '
e-cube consultant CEO Mr,Dhuri has helped us for testing the concrete samples in his lab.
Americas ex president Mr J.F.Kenady said


This article is dedicated to 

Mrs Neela Indulkar Mayor Thane Municipal Corporation
Mr.K.D.Lala City Engineer  TMC
Mr.Vilas Samant TMC corporatar


Thane Municipal Corporation with  Material scientist Dr. Deshmukh laid UTWT(Ultra thin white topping) road at Ghantali Thane in the year 2007.The surface of the road is with out any pothole even at year 2016.

At 2007 the roads of Thane city were very  bad.It was a state of chaos .Most of the city roads are of Bituminous macadam.The city is known for Industries in and around the city. load on the roads have increased many fold but the quality of the roads remain the same due to which the roads cracked.Politicians, Engineers and social activist were looking for alternate solution for BM roads.

The same year my proposal of UTWT topping on the potholed road was rejected by the Municipal Corporation on the pretext that the technology is not  proven and tested on Thane roads and therefore it will be waste of time and money. 
After sixty six years of independence we are still having such a  low self esteem.
It is always said that   Luck favors the braves
Mr. Vilas Samant came to my help.He  wrote an article in news paper Times of India saying Dr. Deshmukh  residence of Thane claiming that he has UTWT technology which can drastically improve the life of the road should be given an opportunity to experiment his new ideas which can enhance the life of existing roads. Finally TMC on media pressure has agreed and allowed Dr. Deshmukh to conduct the trail on condition that experiments to be conducted in Mr Samant ward and the  expenses to be  born by Mr Samant from his fund which Mr Samant has agreed

The mind set of the TMC engineers in 2007 were very much negative According to them the concrete roads are costly and takes longer time for construction.The thickness required is 300 mm and takes at least a month to complete the job.Every body local people,Corporators. engineers were fed up with Bitumen macadam roads.

The situation was ideal for Dr. Deshmukh to carry out something never done before in Thane  Mean while Dr. Deshmukh has studied and made in the laboratory concrete of M-60 grade by manipulating the raw mix  design.He has developed HPC high performance concrete with less quantity of cement and incorporation of mineral additives like GGBS and flyash.

India needs power for industrial growth In our country most of the power is generated by burning the coal in thermal power plant emitting large amount of flyash which pollutes surrounding area,crops and health of the locals.Dr,Deshmukh can able to make M-60 grade concrete using 360-380 kg/M3 of cement and mineral additive like flyash. He has first time used self compacting concrete in road making as a result the speed of making concrete roads has increased. Dr. Deshmukh laid UTWT road first in Thane in the year 2007. HPC (High performance concrete) and SCC  (Self compacted concrete) is used. 

scc concrete when  brought at sight and poured it on damaged  bituminous roads. there was a joy  on every bandies face of first time witnessing flow able concrete but a daut in mind of strength gain because of high W/C ratio which is not the case The flowable concrete is achieved by polymer base admixture  and not by water 
The another high light of the technology is curing/cutting of the concrete ,The concrete is cut at 1 meter by 1 meter.The width  of the cutting blade should be 3mm because of which the sealant is not required.The curing of the concrete to be carried out immediately after concrete is laid. The performance of the road was excellent as a result TMC has taken a decision to make city roads with this technology

1)Mill 25-50mm top surface of the damaged bituminous road .Remove all the loose material If there  is any structural damage remove that portion and replace with new materials

2)After removing the loose particles saturate the surface with water

3)Fix the metal Chanel of required height most of the time 100mm or 150mm. Maintain the slope and the level.

4)Bring the concrete from near RMC plant.level the concrete with screed vibrator

5)Curing with water should be started immediately

6)Cut the joints 1meter by 1meter.

The road is ready for traffic in 72 hours.Thane 

Municipal Corporation has taken the decision to do the city roads with UTWT only.Last 10 years UTWT roads are laid in thane city.The traffic scenario of the city has changed and it is growing with speed.

Government has passed GR to lay concrete roads.Privated organisations like ACC and Gurath  Ambuja has also involed in road research..

Dr,Deshmukh has named the roads of thane and surat as E-mARG AND E-Path.

As per Indian road concrete

2016 The road is with out potholes.

First time in India  Dr.Deshmukh has used e-path in surat city.

2) Becase of faster toad making ,help in achieving GOVT target of making a kilometer of roads daily 

3) conservation of raw materials
4)GOVT S aim to built roads across india will be fulfilled

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Million dollars worth of INDIAN ROADS

Million dollars worth of INDIAN ROADS

Americas ex president Mr J.F.Kenady said


This article is dedicated to 

Mrs Neela Indulkar Mayor Thane Municipal Corporation
Mr.K.D.Lala City Engineer  TMC
Mr.Vilas Samant TMC corporatar



Thane Municipal Corporation with  Material scientist Dr. Deshmukh laid UTWT(Ultra thin white topping) road at Ghantali Thane in the year 2007.The surface of the road is with out any pothole even at year 2016.

At 2007 the roads of Thane city were very  bad.It was a state of chaos .Most of the city roads are of Bituminous macadam.The city is known for Industries in and around the city. load on the roads have increased many fold but the quality of the roads remain the same due to which the roads cracked.Politicians, Engineers and social activist were looking for alternate solution for BM roads 
The same year my proposal of UTWT topping on the potholed road was rejected by the Municipal Corporation on the pretext that the technology is not  proven and tested on Thane roads and therefore it will be waste of time and money.They were  
After sixty six years of independence we are still having such a  low self esteem.
It is always said that   Luck favors the braves
Mr. Vilas Samant came to my help.He  wrote an article in news paper Times of India saying Dr. Deshmukh  residence of Thane claiming that he has UTWT technology which can drastically improve the life of the road should be given an opportunity to experiment his new ideas which can enhance the life of existing roads. Finally TMC on media pressure has agreed and allowed Dr. Deshmukh to conduct the trail on condition that experiments to be conducted in Mr Samant ward and the  expenses to be  born by Mr Samant from his fund which Mr Samant has agreed

The mind set of the TMC engineers in 2007 were very much negative According to them the concrete roads are costly and takes longer time for construction.The thickness required is 300 mm and takes at least a month to complete the job.Every body local people,Corporators. engineers were fed up with Bitumen macadam roads.

The situation was ideal for Dr. Deshmukh to carry out something never done before in Thane  Mean while Dr. Deshmukh has studied and made in the laboratory concrete of M-60 grade by manipulating the raw mix  design.He has developed HPC high performance concrete with less quantity of cement and incorporation of mineral additives like GGBS and flyash.
India needs power for industrial growth In our country most of the power is generated by burning the coal in thermal power plant emitting large amount of flyash which pollutes surrounding area,crops and health of the locals.Dr,Deshmukh can able to make M-60 grade concrete using 360-380 kg/M3 of cement and mineral additive like flyash. He has first time used self compacting concrete in road making as a result the speed of making concrete roads has increased. Dr. Deshmukh laid UTWT road first in Thane in the year 2007. HPC (High performance concrete) and SCC  (Self compacted concrete) is used. 

scc concrete when  brought at sight and poured it on damaged  bituminous roads. there was a joy  on every bandies face of first time witnessing flow able concrete but a daut in mind of strength gain because of h/igh W/C ratio which is not the case The flowable concrete is achieved by polymer base admixture  and not by water 
The another high light of the technology is curing/cutting of the concrete ,The concrete is cut at 1 meter by 1 meter.The width  of the cutting blade should be 3mm because of which the sealant is not required.The curing of the concrete to be carried out immediately after concrete is laid. The performance of the road was excellent as a result TMC has taken a decision to make city roads with this technology
1)Mill 25-50mm top surface of the damaged bituminous road .Remove all the loose material If there  is any structural damage remove that portion and replace with new materials
2)After removing the loose particles saturate the surface with water
3)Fix the metal Chanel of required height most of the time 100mm or 150mm. Maintain the slope and the level.
The procedure for making UTWT roads was standardized and is as follows
4)Bring the concrete from near RMC plant.level the concrete with screed vibrator
5)Curing with water should be started immediately
6)Cut the joints 1meter by 1meter.
The road is ready for traffic in 72 hours.Thane 
Municipal Corporation has taken the decision to do the city roads with UTWT only.Last 10 years UTWT roads are laid in thane city.The traffic scenario of the city has changed and it is growing with speed.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

मिलिअन डॉलर किमतीचे भारतीय रस्ते

मिलिअन डॉलर  किमतीचे भारतीय  रस्ते

अमेरीकेचे पूर्व राष्ट्राध्यक्ष ज.फ.केनडी म्हणाले  “अमेरिका श्रीमंत आहे महणून तिथले रस्ते चांगले आहेत आसे नाही तर तिथले रस्ते चांगले आहेत म्हणून अमेरिका श्रीमंत आहे

ठाणे शहरातील UTWT (इ-मार्ग)रस्ते दहाव्या वर्षात पदार्पण करीत आहेत.ह्या नवीन बांधणीच्या रस्त्य्मुळे ठाणे शहराचा  विकास झपाट्याने होत आहे.
दोन हजार सात मध्ये  डॉ .देशमुखांनी पहिला UTWT रस्ता घंटाळी विभागात केला.
ठाण्या च्या मेयर श्रीमती स्मिता इंदुलकर ,सिटी इंजिनिअर श्री के.डी लाला आणि सिटी कार्पो रेटर श्री विलास सामंत ह्यांचा मोठा वाटा वरील प्रोजेक्ट. यशस्वी करण्यात आहे

प्रत्येक चांगल्या कार्यात विघ्न येणार त्या प्रमाणे सुरवातीला ठाणे महापालिकेने खराब झालेल्या डांबरी रेस्त्यावर कॉंक्रीट चा पातळ थर.(UTWT-Ultra thin white topping) टाकण्याचा आणि  टिकाऊ.स्वस्त आणि सुंदर रस्ता नवीन प्रयोग म्हणून करण्याचा माझा प्रस्त्वाव फेटाळला..शेवटी ठाण्याचे नगरसेवक श्री विलास सामंत उपयोगी पडले आणि त्याचा विभागात UTWT रस्ता प्रयोग म्हणून करण्याची परवानगी मला मिळाली.

मला आठवते आहे पहिला रस्ता रात्री मी ,माझी पत्नी आणि दोन मुले ह्याच्या मदतीने पूर्ण केला.UTWT हा शब्द देखील कोणाला माहित नव्हता प्रयोग यशस्वी झाला.आणि लोक मला ओळखू लागले.आणि दोन हजार सात पासून सुरु झालेला UTWT रस्ते करण्याचा सिलसिला सुरु  झाला आणि तो आज तागायत चालू आहे.प्रयोग यशस्वी झाल्या बरोबर ज्या नगरसेवकांना UTWT रस्ते नको होते तेच UTWT रस्ते त्यांना पाहिजे होते. कामाचा पसारा वाढल्यावर लाला साहेबांनी रस्ते बनवन्याचे  काम खाजगी कंपनीला दिले.M/S SMC कंपनीला दीले . कंपनीचे मुख्य अधीकरी सुहास मेहता आणि इंजिनिअर समीर फणसे ह्यांनी डॉ देशमुख ह्यांच्या मदतीने रस्ते बनवन्याचे  काम पुढे यशस्वीरीत्या चालू ठेवले.आता बर्याच लोकांनी हे तंत्र्याज्ञ  शिकून घेतले आहे.आणि डॉ देशमुखांनी आणलेली UTWT Technology ठाणेकरांना पथ संजविनी ठरली.ठाणे गाव म्हणून समजले जायचे ते आता शहर म्हणून ओळखू लागले.

सुरत महापालिकेतला माझा अनुभव वेगळा नाही मला तिथल्या लोकांनी डांबरी हॉट मिक्स  नाकारले.ह्याचा मल त्रास झाला. कोन्क्रीत बनवण्यासाठी लागणारी खडी मला पाहिजे तसे मिळवण्यासाठी मी आजूबाजूच्या गावाकडे फिरलो पण पाहिजे तसे ग्रेडिंग मिळाले नाही आह्मी जे मिळेल त्या खडी वर काम भागवले.

कॉंक्रीट  रस्ते असणे  प्रगत  देशाचे लक्षण आहे  कॉंक्रीट  रोड देशाची प्रगती मोजण्याचे साधन आहे ज्या देशात कॉंक्रीट  रस्ते जास्त तो देश प्रगतशील मानला जातो कॉंक्रीट रोड जरी टिकाऊ असले तरी भारता सारख्या गरीब देशाला परवडणारे नाहीत  आणि म्हणून आपल्या देशात डांबरी रस्ते बांधायला लागतात डांबरी रस्ते जरी स्वस्त असले तरी ते टिकाऊ नसतात ते रस्ते लवकर फुटतात आणि त्याला मोठे खड्डे पडतात हे खड्डे बुजवणे जिकरीचे काम आहे .

आपणास ठाऊक आहे वाढत्या प्रगतीला चागल्या रस्त्याचे महत्व आणि म्हणून आपल्या देशातील रस्त्यावर संशोधन करणाऱ्या संस्था नि स्वस्त टिकवू रस्ते बनवण्याची मोहीम सुरु केली .शासनाने  देखील नवीन रस्ते बनविण्याकडे भर दिला खाजगी कंपन्या सुद्धा  ह्या कार्यक्रमात सहभागी झाल्या.
ठाण्याचे  रस्ते म्हटले तर डॉ  देशमुख ह्याचे नाव घेतल्या   शिवाय पुढे जाता येत नाही .त्यांनी वाहनास निरुपयोगी असलेले रस्ते पुन्हा वाहनास उपयोगी आण्यासाठी HPC(High performance concrete ) बनविले आणि त्याचा पातळ थर  त्या खराब रस्त्यावर ओतला ते कॉंक्रीट  सहज पसरण्या साठी SCC(Self compacting concrete ) चा वापर केला त्यामुळे रस्त्याची पोत सुधरली आणि आपण टिकाऊ आणि जलद रस्ते बनाऊ शकलो ह्याचा फायदा आसा  झाला कि आम्ही ठाण्यात आणि सुरत मध्ये प्रायोगिक तत्वावर रस्ते बनविले . ह्या दोन प्रकारच्या रस्त्यांना डॉ देशमुखांनी  इ-मार्ग आणि इ-पथ आशी नावे  दिली .

इ-मार्ग म्हंणजे वाहनास निरुपयोगी झालेल्या रस्त्यार कान्क्रीटचा पातळ थर  देणे आणि इ-पथ  म्हणजे पंचवीस टक्के झीद्र असलेला डांबरी थर  व त्या मध्ये टाकलेली सिमेंट स्लरी कि जी डांबराच्या झीद्रामध्ये जाऊन झीद्र बंद करते

डॉ  देशमुखांनी नव्याने संशोधित  केलेल्या तंत्रद्यानामुळे दोन हजार सात साली इ-मार्ग ठाणे महापालिकेत आणि दोन हजार तीन साली इ-पथ सूरत महापालिकेत बनाऊ शकलो आज ठाण्यामध्ये इ-मार्ग  पद्धतीचे  दोनशे किलोमीटर लांबीचे रस्ते बनले आहेत तर सुरत मध्ये शंभर किलोमीतर  लांबीचे रस्ते बनले आहेत.  ह्याचा परिणाम असा झाला ठाणे महापालिका आणि सुरत महापालिका ह्याचा विकास झपाट्याने झाला दोन्ही शहरांचा   Future  smart  city मध्ये  समावेश  झाला आहे .

डॉ   देशमुख यांनी संशोधित  केलेल्या इ-मार्ग आणि इ-पथ ह्या दोन्ही तंत्रद्यानाचे  शिक्कामोर्तब झाले जेव्हा  इंडिअन रोड्स कॉंग्रेस कोडल कमिटी ने दोन्ही टेक्निक ला मान्यता दिली आहे .
कमिटीने IRC-SP -७६- २००८ मध्ये लिहिलेला कोड  २०१५ मध्ये सुधारित  केला आहे
इ-पथ चे कोड मध्ये रुपांतर करण्याचे ठरवले
डॉ देश्मुखकानी बनवलेल्या इ-मार्ग आणि इ -पथ रस्त्याचा मोलाचा वाटा हे दोन्ही कोड बनवण्यात आहे इ -मार्ग म्हणजे 'Ultra Thin White Topping "UTWT आणि इ-पथ म्हणजे " Cement grout bitumen macadam.” CGBM

डॉ देशमुखांनी 2007 साली प्रथम थाने महापलिकेत इ-मार्ग चा प्रयोग केला त्यांच्या ह्या संशोधनात त्यांनी HPC कोन्क्रीत आसे बनविले कि रस्ता वातुकीस लवकर उघडता आला.SCC चा प्रथम उपयोग केला त्यामुळे रस्ते जलद  बनू लागले SCC चा उल्लेख सुधारित  कोड मध्ये केला आहे
२००७ साली प्रथम  इ-मार्ग
प्रथम (HCC ) चा वापर
प्रथम (SCC ) चा वापर  
२०१६  त्या रस्त्यालाअजून एकाही खड्डा नाही

२००३ साली प्रथम  इ -पथ
प्रथम जास्त ताक्ती चा Grout
भारतामध्ये पहिल्यांदा इ -पथ डॉ देशमुखांनी सुरत मध्ये वापरला
डॉ  देशमुख यांनी भारतीय रस्ते क्षेत्रात क्रांती केली असे म्हणावे लागेल

कोणीही व्यक्ती किवा स्वंस्था  डॉ देशमुखांच्या  सल्याने हे रस्ते बनाउ शकतो डॉ  देशमुखांनी रस्त्याच चा कॉस्ट बेनिफिट स्टडी केला आहे त्यात आसे आढळून आले इ-मार्ग पारंपारिक कोन्क्रीत पेक्षा स्वस्त आणि इ-पत पारंपरिक डांबरी रस्त्याच्या किमतीत बनवता येऊ लागले ह्या दोन्ही इ-पथ आणि इ-मार्ग  तंत्रद्यानाचा उपयोग केल्याने सरकाच्या ठराविक किलो मिटर  दिवसाला रस्ते बनवण्याच्या प्रकल्पाला साथ मिळेल
एक किलोमीटर सिंगल लेन रस्त्याला लागणारा खर्च दिला आहे

कोन्क्रीत रोड
     इ -Marg  
ह्या रस्त्यामुळे मोठ्या प्रमाणात पैशाची बचत होणार आहे
मोठ्या प्रमाणात  कोळश्याच्या राखेचा वापर केल्या मुळे भारताला भेड सावन्याऱ्या ग्लोबल वॉर्मिंग चा प्रश्न थोड्याफार प्रमाणात सुटण्यास मदत होणार आहे. सिमेंट बनण्यासाठी लागणारे कच्चे इंधनाची सुद्धा बचत होयील

डॉ  देशमुख  मुंबई विद्यापीठाचे चे विद्यार्थी आहेत ते   ACC कंपनीचे रिसर्च/ देव्लोप्मेंत मधून निवृत  झाले त्यांनी  चाळीस वर्ष  रस्त्यासंबंधी संशोधन केले आहे..ते महाविद्यालयात  असताना त्यांनी पंधरा संशोधन papers इंडिअन  आणि international journal मध्ये प्रकाशीत केले आहेत

हे रस्ते महापालिके पुरते र्यादित  राहिले नाही हे रस्ते टाटा उद्योग समूहामध्ये  प्रसिद्ध आहेत टाटा सामूहाच्या चेंबूर येथील टाटा पॉवर फक्टरीमध्ये आणि टाटा कोलोनी खोपोली मध्ये ४५% कोळश्याच्या
राखेचा  वापरुन इ -मार्ग बनवला.
रस्त्याचा  परफॉर्मनन्स ,कॉस्ट, आणि कोळश्याच्या राखेचा मोठ्या प्रमाणात वापर ह्या गोष्टींचाअभ्यास केल्यावर टाटा मानेजमेंटने ठरवले कि सर्व रस्ते इ -पथ  आणि  इ-मार्ग पद्धतीनेच करावयाचे ' 
मानेजमेंटने ठरवले कि Corporate responsibility scheme द्वारा ह्या रस्त्यचा उपयोग सभोवतालच्या गावामध्ये करावयाचा. परिणाम भारत स्वझ्य आणि प्रगत होइल

ह्या रस्त्यामुळे

  1. स्वत किमतीत सुंदर टिकाऊ रस्ते मिळतील
  2. रस्ते जलद बनल्यामुळे सरकाचे दर दिवशी ठराविक किलोमेतर रस्ते बनवण्यचे संकल्प पुरा होण्यास मदत होईल
  3. काच्यामालाची बचत होईल
  4. भारतभर रस्ते बनवण्याचे सरकारचे धोरण पूर्ण होईल
आहेत कि नाही माझे रस्ते मिल्लिओन डोल्लोर किमतीचे

खालील पत्यावर संकर्प साधावा
डॉ देशमुख e mail vilasdes@gmail.com (M )९८२०८४१६६७

e-Cube Consultants चे कार्यकारी अधिकारी श्री सुहास धुरी
आणि त्याचे सहकारी ह्यांनी चालू असताना मोलाची मदत केली आहे.

हा लेख  इ -मार्ग  म्हणजे UTWT  ह्या ठाणे येथील रस्त्याला १० वर्स पुरी होत आहेत त्या आनुसाघाने   1